
An adventure in France

So the journey begins! I am currently typing away on a clean white iPad, whilst sitting in CLUB class to Bordeaux; something that I have never experienced before I can insure you. Life simply cannot get much better than this....

Bordeaux is on the south-west coast of France for any of you who might not be keen geographers.

The plan? Well hopefully for my French to rapidly improve. I'll be thrown in at the deep end. Not only am I travelling as an unaccompanied minor with British Airways but I'm meeting some French cousins and staying with them for one week. So I'll be forced to hear French, speak French and maybe even remember some phrases.
Just to let you know, the prices for the club class and economy turned out to be the same (my mum was super clever when researching deals). So of course I made the extremely difficult decision to choose to travel club class....

The views are amazing up here. I love being in a plane, I thoroughly treasure having a window seat! I really want to go in a helicopter one day or perhaps have a flying lesson...my dad had one a couple years ago for his birthday and I got to sit in the back. It was a bit worrying really.

I had no idea how privileged one is in club class. They offered me an English breakfast. Not just any tasteless, horribly packaged one but it was delicious and served in a china bowl/plate. And to top it off, I got a fruit salad too. I grinned throughout my meal continuously.

Well we're nearly there.....I have to stay waiting in my seat until one of the members of staff on board take me to another member of staff in Bordeaux to help me find my cousin, Karine. I'm excited, slightly nervous and extremely full and absolutely freezing! Why do planes have to be so cold?! Bit of a funny combination of feelings really...

And while I'm waiting I can't help but read a but of a trashy magazine!


Cute Beauty Storage Ideas

Most of us really do tend to have a lot of stuff. Ever wonder about how to store all your accessories or makeup? Most of the time, it tends to be stored in an ugly container. Although I'd recommend actually storing your loved possessions in something equally loved, that has sentimental value. What I think works best is in facts tins. You could find one at the back of your cupboards from a great-aunt, or I guarantee you'll find one at charity shop. 

 This tin here I love and it's in fact a cake or biscuit tin, although I decided to store nail polish in it. It looks super pretty among my shelf.


Inspiration and YOLO

A Journalist came to our school today and talked about what it is really like in the journalism world. Busy, hectic, but fantastic! I found out that there is actually quite a lot of journalism, print online etc. Even blogging is technically journalism. I think when I'm older I might like to go into Broadcasting Journalism, perhaps radio. It should be great. Doing something you love is super important. So the point is, don't do something just because a lot of the people around you do it or your parents want you to, do what you like! Go for it! I mean, however cheesy is may see - YOLO. But seriously, what's the point in doing something you don't like which can easily stop? Answer= there is literally no point. The phrase Yolo, really can help an individual achieve things they never would have thought of, but be careful; don't use the phrase as an excuse! So don't use yolo as an excuse for not doing homework!


What I carry in my school bag

I have a simple Cath Kidson handbag, which is red and has white stars on it.
-Obviously all my books and folders
-small purse full of just change only
-tic tacs
-memory stick
-pencil case


Hello my dear Thing Readers,

I have my full sincere apology as I have not put up a new post in quite frankly (love that expression), a very very very long time.
School and Sport - lame excuse because I still always have a bit of time
But really because I have just been on youtube lately watching videos, inspiring me to blog more! Things should change now, I promise!


Nails Nails Nails

Well is it just me or do nails really bug you too?
I can never get mine just the way I want. Either too short, too long, to scratchy, too many cuts around them, all different lengths...the list is infinie. But...I think I have achieved the some what impossible. I've done it. I've managed to get everything right for the first time! Oh wait, looking at my hands whilst typing, I've just saw the tiniest bit of chipped nail polish. Just typical. Haha. Well that really does support my theory. Anyway, I took a photo to show how close I got.
The nail polish is bu Kiko, and is called French Manicure.



At a friend's house today and we decided to watch High School Musical. Don't ask me why, we just did and actually, we still do love it. Although, we hate Sharpe!!! That little laugh she does D: oh my gosh, wanted to slap the tv!! But she is a brilliant actress anyways, can't fault her on acting! Hats off to her, Zac Effron, Vanessa Hudgens and the whole cast. Great movie!


Funny little things we all did

Did anyone else do these things when we were small?

1) Slide across the kitchen floor in our socks
2) Try to make something before the microwave has finished
3) Sit on top of the sofa's edge
4) Make waves in the bath
5) Make bath bubbles into beards
6) Slide down the banister and it never really worked
7) Slide down the stairs on the mattress
8) Always manage to build a den in places where mum and dad found it inconvenient
9) Put all your toys on your bed when you sleep at night and in the morning find them all on the floor and think you must of kicked them off when really mum removed them so you could actually get to sleep
10) On your birthday, as soon as you got out of bed, look at your hands to see if they had got bigger or wrinkly

Transformation with paint and laces

Here are my old trainers:
Yep pretty bad condition right? Well instead of buying a new pair which could be anything from £10-70, I decided to rise to the challenge to re-vamp them. 

Here is the finished result: I put a bit of paint on them and replaced the laces, perfect!

What do you think? It's your turn now! Get creative and save money for something better!


Fake Beauty

Wow, we really do live in a society where we try too hard to look good: I think you all should watch this

I mean is it even healthy for us to see people like her at the end on adverts, the transformed her? Sometimes I guess it could make people feel bad about themselves, feel that they are not good enough. We need to change our attitude sometimes: So to lighten your mood, watch this!