

So let me get this clear. We all love McDonalds, actually that's not true- hmm I think the majority of us. Some go every other day, casually. Others go once a month, for a treat. Some may even not go at all. We do live in a world of prejudice, it's unfortunate to say but we do. So the majority of people go to McDonald's and the majority of people do admit that it isn't exactly the most healthy food under the sun. Although we continue to eat it, right? I'm in no postion whatsoever to determine if you should go or not and I'm sure at this point you're probably thinking 'yeah, she's just gunna say don't go cus it's bad...'. Nope. Not at all. I'm writing to discuss. If you're interested, carry on but feel free to stop if you'd like to.
So back to the topic. What about what I do? I go lets say, I think once every 2 months. I go because I feel like something unhealthy (oh not saying McDonald's is completely unhealthy as it does sell fruit and salad, perhaps more- I'm not sure) and something cheap. We'll discuss the price in a second but what about the taste. I like it. Lots of people do. There is nothing wrong with that right...? Well actually if it the food there becomes your daily diet, you're in trouble. Not joking. A curious scientist wanted to find out how bad some of the food there can be for you. He decided to eat McDonald's everyday, for a MONTH. Not just once but for all 3 meals and for a snack if he was hungary too. 'Urgh' was my immediate reaction. Meanwhile, scientists were monitoring him and his body was decreasing in health. It got so bad that he started to need help from doctors. Yet the month and the experiment had not still been completed. so he continued. Finally. It was over. Thank God. He nearly died. This story is true: Click Here!!! They made a documentary too and turned it into a movie: Click Here Too!!!

So in this case, I think we can all obviously see that McDonald's is bad. Although if you don't go all the time and limit to I'm not entirely sure but once a week? Then I think you'll be just fine! Now back to price. The last time I went was with my lil brother and we only spent a fiver. Yep. A fiver. Not much. I was surprised. Come to think of it, most fast food places are cheap. This is attracting people, not just for the taste but the price TOO. Our society, in my own opinion is kind of saying 'hey, it's okay to eat me', by having it so cheap. More and more people would have it the cheaper it went? Perhaps. Less and less people would have it if it was not cheap, and started to become a little expensive? I think so..
Well I've covered what I want to say! Comment about what you think. Should they raise they're prices? Should they keep it just the same but society inform people about it before they buy the food? Or should we just stay the same? Myself? I'm not sure. I didn't write this to say what should happen. If I did have to make a decision? (Thought about this for a while). Well I would raise the price, not a lot but a small noticeable amount, as well as informing people. Although I would like to know your opinions too. Thanks for reading!
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